Relationship coaching for

Stronger Relationships.

Better Communication.

Port Moody, BC

By Appointment


Relationships are just like team sports

Think about any experience you have had playing on a team sport, whether it was a physical education class at school, a leisure activity, or a competitive team. Just like on a team like those, there are different roles that need to be fulfilled, and personal and team success both come from working together. Gaining new skills, communicating on the field, supporting others on their bad days, these are all the same skills you use in relationships.


Relationship Coaching

Understand the strengths and challenges of each team member. Practice communication skills to help you overcome life’s challenges. Know when to call a time out when the team is not on their A game.

  • How to get out of the blame game and into the win-win game.
  • How to stop the fight from escalating
  • How to embrace each other’s differences, overcoming culture and religious differences.

The art of being a BFF!

Individual Coaching

Learn and practice skills to enhance your strengths and embrace your challenges. Develop your A game for getting the relationship you want. Find out how to maximize your time “in the Zone”. Know when to call a time out to regroup. Recognize your triggers.

Become a better BFF to yourself!

Interactive Workshops

Increase your connection with community. Learn how to present your concerns to the community. Become better able to develop a plan of working together for the common good. A place to practice your relationship skills in a non-judgmental and safe environment. A place to connect with life minded people.

The subtle art of being a BFF!

Coming Soon – our new learning and gathering centre!

Space to learn

Safety to practice

Meet others regularly

Improve communication

Better relationships!

brunette person wearing a medical mask

Our Promise

Our clients health and safety is always our number one priority.

We feel strongly that we are all in a collective relationship so just as we take yours and our mental health seriously, we also take everyone’s physical health into consideration. Whenever we are planning appointments with you, or planning group events, we will follow the British Columbia public health guidelines. If you have special needs or concerns, please contact us in advance so we can figure out the best way for us to support you.

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